The Aristotwats

To: Nick
From: Keith
Sent: 18 April
SUBJECT: Why don’t they just tell the Aristocrats joke in the Aristocrats
I watched The Aristocrats yesterday – first up who the fuck was the naked teenager in the hot tub??? What was that all about.
Plus, most tellings of the joke were tame and occasionally non-existent(even Gilbert's - only Saget took it anywhere interesting and he held back, I think). And this was proof positive that South Park still goes farther than anyone - they managed to so the same joke as most, then take it to another level by adding the 9/11 line. God that was great.
Oh and Sarah Silverman was in it. She is fairly funny, but I
think it's the creepy sex appeal that gets her audiences.
To: Keith
From: Nick
Sent: 18 April
SUBJECT: Why don’t they just tell the Aristocrats joke in the Aristocrats
Teenager in a hot tub - this guy mentions it too - but he is very boring indeed so don't check it. I like Gilbert, always have - his whiny gratingdelivery actually makes me laugh. Saget, yes, decent. South Park cool but we agree the gags don't even go remotely far enough. Oh yeah, and as for Silverman, I would. Probably twice. In front of my parents. And, as Chris Walken would say – up her ass. Or up mine, if she was wear plastic.
To: Nick
From: Keith
Sent: 18 April
SUBJECT: Why don’t they just tell the Aristocrats joke in the Aristocrats
All in all, I liked it. But was actually surprised at how few relevant comedians were in it. I could understand why Whoopie and Robin Williams were in it, for their early work and the groundbreaking kind of stuff they used to do, and the same goes for Phyllis Diller (love the fact that she just ends the interview cold in the extras bit - “I don’t like long jokes. Or long interviews.”). But why wasn’t Chris Rock in it more? Or Chapelle? Or even Seinfeld or David Cross (they really missed out on him - he would have
brought in a whole new layer of filth). Obviously, it was thrown together based on who knew whom, but it revealed that, in fact, Penn Jillette and Paul Provalone(whatever) have few actual comedian friends. Pleasant surprise of the film was Negron - he was downright creepy, which was perfect. Worst bit: Billy the Mime (I hate mimes, even controversial ones or even ones proving a point).
To: Keith
From: Nick
Sent: 18 April
SUBJECT: Why don’t they just tell the Aristocrats joke in the Aristocrats
Yeah, but wasn't Paul Reiser funny. Oh fuck, I nearly split my spleen. Oh and weren't the British
contributions hilarious? Proving that he's lost it – Billy Connolly; proving he's never had it - Eddie Izzard; and proving that he's not funny - Eric fucking
Idle. How punchable is that man. Very, is the answer. Fuck that Spamalot cunt up his ass. Part from that, and the mime, I too enjoyed it.
To: Nick
From: Keith
Sent: 18 April
SUBJECT: Why don’t they just tell the Aristocrats joke in the Aristocrats
So, to summarise:
- The Aristocrats had very very very very little going for it, but
we'll enjoy anything with comedians talking shit just because they're
comedians and we like comedy.
- The Onion editorial team comprises one beardy guy who does all the
talking, one ginge who agrees with beardy constantly, one guy who
writes things on a wipable board and a few token women who say nothing.
- Gilbert Gottfried could pretty much make the telephone book
- Tim Conway is a twat.
Other than all that and the other stuff, we still liked it.
To: Nick
From: Keith
Sent: 18 April
SUBJECT: Why don’t they just tell the Aristocrats joke in the Aristocrats
Here’s the view from a friend of ours – star of Hollywood Homicide: Harrison “Boning a bone” Ford
Harrison Ford says: This film features many comedians
telling one joke but some of them don't. And some them
talk about the joke and the mime say nothing and isn't
funny. And all the really funny people like Chris
Rock, David Cross, Dave Chappelle, Jerry Sadowitz,
Larry David and Steve Guttenberg don't get a look in.
In fact, this film would have been better if the joke
was my family and if the comedians were all just one
character called Jack played by me and if I was a
President of a bank or a country or something. And
that Penn and Teller were bad men attacking the joke,
played by my family. So in summation, the Aristocrats
would have been better if it had been about a
President called Jack defending his family from bad
men. But always with a steely glint in his eye. I
give this 15 havens out of a 67 possible holiday
Wow, he should review some of his own films