Auto homo
To: Nick
From: Keith
Sent: 12 February 2006
SUBJECT: C3PO hearts R2D2
Hey, what's that sound - it's a big rumbling in the sky - oh check it out - it's the four horsemen of the Apocalypse - War, Famine, Pestilence and Gary, and look what they're bringing:
Gay Robot - from Adam Sandler's production company. A wine cooler accident causes a robot to turn gay and live in a frat house.
Please I beg let this be a Simpsons gag unless Will Smith is playing the robot (in Fresh Prince mode) and Carl Weathers is playing Dean Badass at the Frat House.
Why not this idea:
Hey Look Everybody I'm Gay Now! – a Bacardi Breezer accident causes a straight man to turn gay and live in an oasthouse. Starring Adam Sandler.
That's about as random.
Why would a gay robot live in a frat house?
To: Nick
From: Keith
Sent: 12 February 2006
SUBJECT: Re: C3PO hearts R2D2
It's obvious why he'd live in Frat House. He's a gay robot. Think about it. He's come to do the interior design and bum the jocks. That Adam Sandler - he's just non-stop funny.
Here's an idea for Adam: An "apfel strudel" accident causes a group of four perfectly normal German men to become Automatons. This being Germany, they are rejected from society until they decide to become a progressive electronic band. They win a worldwide following but have to pretend to be humans being robots being human. By wearing red suits, skinny ties and make-up. I'm not sure wher the idea goes from here but I'm pretty sure that if they make Gay Robot, they'll make this. We could get P Diddy to present it as a kind of Making the Band special. Because P Diddy is secretly really into progressive Teutonic electronica. He is. He has everything by Can, Einsturzende Neubaten and Fischerspooner. And secretly, also, he wants to be a robot.